
I was in charge of most of the marketing. I kept the website up-to-date with upcoming events and news events happening in the museum world. I also managed the social media accounts which included Facebook and Instagram. When I managed Facebook we more than doubled our page views. Instagram had more than 100 new followers after I started managing it.

I managed the membership information. I sent out membership renewal reminders as well as kept track of renewals.  I assisted the executive committee in creating a more user-friendly membership drive. This included revamping the website; I made the website more user friendly.

I organized information for events. I put together packets for attendees for events that Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium, which included Save Our Stuff (SOS) and Destination Preservation. I created maps for the locations of the events. Iowa Museums Archives Libraries Emergency Response Team (IMALERT) is part of the Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium (ICPC). I helped create marketing materials for IMALERT, both digital for the social media platforms and print materials. 

I ran the website and social media platforms from June 2016 to March 2017

Website                                Facebook                              Instagram